Prof. Liu Shuwei
MD, PhD Research Center for Sectional and Imaging Anatomy, Digital Human Institute, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Shandong University, 250012, Jinan, Shandong, China. Key Laboratory for Digital Human and Clinical Anatomy of Shandong Province, 250012, Jinan, Shandong, China.As Editor in Chief, I am delighted to celebrate the launch of Journal of China Pakistan Medical Association (JCPMA) (ISSN: 2788-8800), an international, open access peer-reviewed Medical Sciences journal published quarterly by CPMA (China Pakistan Medical Association). I am also very proud to be working in tandem with an outstanding team of Associate Editors and members of the Editorial Board. The launch of JCPMA is part of China Pakistan Medical Association initiative for promotion of Medical Education & Research Exchanges between Pakistan and China internationally. It will provide a platform for the scientific community, researchers, scholars and students to publish their state of the art & innovative work.
The fast-growing population and the number of disease and complexity makes it far difficult for one country to tackle the healthcare issues successfully. Post Covid-19 era has increased the significance of multidisciplinary & multinational cooperation to combat the current pandemic situation and to establish a state-of-the-art system to revolutionize the health care system for a healthy and prosperous future for our next generations. Journal of China Pakistan Medical Association initiative was much needed and it can play a pivotal role in the establishment of international cooperation between China and Pakistan in health and medical education sector to combat with this issue of our modern times. JCPMA is a journal for all those pursuing this endeavor in the medical sciences arena. It provides an important forum to address critical issues in the field, exchange new ideas and disseminate the latest developments in basic research, clinical translation, industrial development and regulatory issues. JCPMA plays a valuable role in accumulating scientific data and promoting innovative scientific work.
On behalf of the journal, I am writing with honor to invite you to contribute new articles of Basic medical sciences & Allied and Clinical medical sciences & Allied, including but not limited to Internal Medicine, Surgery, Gynecology, Pediatrics, ENT, Dermatology, Pharmacy, and basic medical sciences, based on your established expertise and impactful contribution in the field. JCPMA, a new multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that publishes cutting edge, peer reviewed papers, including original articles, review articles, case studies, letter to editors, rapid communications and methodology reviews.We hope JCPMA will become the primary platform for researchers to share findings and discuss all aspects in the development of future innovations in medicine that will benefit the international community. We are now welcoming submissions for future issues of the journal.
We join our hands for better future of our generations.
Email: eic@cpmda.com

Prof Saira Afzal
Associate Editor in Chief
MBBS, MCPS, FCPS, M.Phil, PhD, Postdoctoral fellow (US), Certification in Curriculum Development (US), FFPH (UK), Masters in Medical Education(MME), Program Director PhD and M.Phil Preventive Medicine and Public health. Chairperson and Head of Department at Community Medicine and Epidemiology, Director Foreign Affairs and Internal linkages, Dean, Faculty of Public Health and Preventive Medicine King Edward Medical University, Lahore.It gives me an opportunity to express my immense pleasure and honor. I am feeling extremely excited to put on record my appreciation as associate editor in editorial board of JCPMA. It is well said that the journey of thousands miles start from a single step. This challenging time has created an enormous undertaking for academic and educational work by the hardworking, dedicated and committed professionals to bring the latest advancements in medical sciences and updated evidence based practices for dissemination and widespread publications. This journal will be the source of knowledge and provide best practices. The valid and reliable information is the need of this time. We will surely provide the most authentic information by the experienced experts in medical journalism. I wish best of luck for a successful endeavor to the whole team of JCPMA who have proved their great passion for dissemination of information and best practices in medical journalism.

Ms. Zhang Yannan/张娅难
Message from Managing Director
Managing Director CPMA作为中巴医学会的董事经理,我很高兴成为JCPMA中的一员。 希望该期刊能够成为一个窗口,通过这个窗口,搭建起一个学科交流和成果展示的学术平台, 连接起医学界与该领域专家、学者。我希望《中巴医学协会》期刊能践行办刊理念, 努力成为国际医学研究、应用的前沿,为中巴乃至世界做出贡献。 CPMA和JCPMA将成为新世纪中巴两国医疗卫生教育事业发展的催化剂和新的学术园地。 在中巴医学会的支持下,JCPMA必将促进现代医学及医疗保健技术的发展!!
As managing director of CPMA it’s my great pleasure to be part of JCPMA. I would like to congratulate all the team. We hope that the journal will be a window, through which we can build an academic platform for discipline exchange, a center for achievement display, and become a bridge to link the medical institutions, experts and scholars in this field. I hope that the JCPMA (Journal of China Pakistan Medical Association) can practice its publishing concept and strive to be the forefront of the international medicine research, application, contributing to the China & Pakistan and the world. CPMA and JCPMA will prove to be catalysts for the development of China and Pakistan healthcare & Medical Education sector in the new century. The Association has overcome difficulties and become a new academic platform. Surely JCPMA will prove to promote the development of modern medicine and health care technology under the umbrella of China Pakistan Medical Association.
Email: editorial@cpmda.com

Dr. Federico Davrieux
Director of Editorial Board
MD, MAACIt is a great honor to be part of what will surely be a great journal. Scientific comunication is essential for personal and professional growth. The final goal is the common good of the communities and, at the end of the road, of humanity. Hugely grateful to JCPMA for offering me the wonderful responsibility of being the Director of Editorial Board. The professional work of this great team will undoubtedly allow this journal to reach the highest standards of scientific and academic quality.

Arbab Javed Mirza
Message from General Secretary
MBBS, MDI'm profoundly grateful and touched by the great distinction and honor and great compliment accorded me as General Secretary by the president of CPMA. I find my self highly capable to carry out the vision of Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz by bringing best healthcare facilities to the people of Pakistan by enhancing the medical and scientific exchange between China and Pakistan under the umbrella of Belt and Road Initiative . The platform of CPMA provides the exchange of scientific research and technical support between the prestigious institutions of Pakistan and China .CPMA is going to revolutionize the medical sciences in Pakistan by integrating it with artificial intelligence and using 5G technology in the field of telemedicine.
I will provide overall leadership and strategic direction to the organization and represent the CPMA to our members, the medical profession, the international community, representatives of government, the business community and the general public.

Prof. Xianbin Zhang
Message from the Vice Chairman
MD, PhD, Vice Chairman of the China Pakistan Medical AssociationIt is my true honor to be nominated as vice chairman of the China Pakistan Medical Association and I am proud to be working with my excellent colleagues in China and Pakistan.
Currently, medical and health services have developed rapidly; and physicians face to opportunities and challenges. In this situation, only cooperation could break through the predicament and accelerate the process of success. In order to enhance global exchange and cooperation, Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz proposed the concept “Health Corridor” or “Health Silk Road” and established the China-Pakistan Medical Association. China Pakistan Medical Association aims to provide a platform for communications between physicians, scientists, entrepreneurs, and allied professionals.
We warmly welcome everybody who joins us and expect constructive suggestions for the development of the cooperation between China and Pakistan.

Prof. Hu Xiaokun MD, PhD
Message from the Chairman CPMA
Professor and Chief Physician, Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao UniversityAs the Director of Qingdao Cancer Interventional Minimally Invasive Technology Innovation Center & National Science and Technology Assessment Expert, it is my great pevilage to be part of the China Pakistan Medical Association as Chairman.As Chief Expert of the National Key R & D Plan and First Editor of CT Interventional Therapy, Third Edition (People's Health Publishing House) Authored and formulated the documents of the National Health and Health Commission "Norms for Radiation Therapy" and "Quality Control Indicators for Radiation Therapy" Chairman of the Expert Committee of Minimally Invasive and Individualized Cancer Therapy, Chinese Association for Cancer Prevention & Director-designate of Photodynamic Therapy Special Committee of Chinese Anticancer Association. Inspired by the concept of the China Pakistan Health Corridor, CPMA was established to enhance medical cooperation between the two countries. Our mission is to foster partnerships between medical associations, hospitals, physicians, surgeons, government staff, students, and other stakeholders, and to provide a platform for academic exchanges, experience sharing, virtual ward rounds, and online programs to achieve excellence in healthcare cooperation. I am excited about the potential for China-Pakistan relations to reach new heights in the future, and i am committed to playing my part in advancing this important partnership.