CPMA vision is to provide a platform for the Pakistani Medical students and doctors to excel in the field and communicate internationally with Medical Institutes, hospitals, Nursing and Paramedical institutes, Research & Training centers, IT, R & D, pharmaceutical industries and Government Institutions at one platform.
Know MoreCPMA vision is to provide a platform for the Pakistani Medical students and doctors to excel in the field and communicate internationally with Medical Institutes, hospitals, Nursing and Paramedical institutes, Research & Training centers, IT, R & D, pharmaceutical industries and Government Institutions at one platform.
Know MoreCPMA vision is to provide a platform for the Pakistani Medical students and doctors to excel in the field and communicate internationally with Medical Institutes, hospitals, Nursing and Paramedical institutes, Research & Training centers, IT, R & D, pharmaceutical industries and Government Institutions at one platform.
Know MoreCPMA vision is to provide a platform for the Pakistani Medical students and doctors to excel in the field and communicate internationally with Medical Institutes, hospitals, Nursing and Paramedical institutes, Research & Training centers, IT, R & D, pharmaceutical industries and Government Institutions at one platform.
Know MoreChina Pakistan Medical Association
'CPMA' is a not-for-profit, voluntary, registered organization to achieve Excellence in Medical Education, Research, Innovation & Training and promote leadership and therefore further the influence of Pakistani Medical Professionals & students in People’s Republic of China. CPMA vision is to provide a platform for the Pakistani Medical students and doctors to excel in the field and communicate internationally with Medical Institutes, hospitals, Nursing and Paramedical institutes, Research & Training centers, IT, R & D, pharmaceutical industries and Government Institutions at one platform.
Read MoreThe term China Pakistan “Health Corridor” or “Health Silk Road” is state of the art concept based project, the masterplan of the project was presented in “The Summit of Global Health Leaders” at University of Hong Kong Faculty of Medicine on 16th December 2017 by President of China Pakistan Medical Association Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz, and earlier it was published in China Daily & Daily Telegraph in 17th May 2017.
As President and founder of China Pakistan Medical Association it’s my great pleasure to initiate this platform for Pakistani Physicians, Surgeons, Scientists, Pharmacists , medical students and allied professionals. CPMA will play a key role to achieve Excellence in Medical Education, Research, Innovation & Training and promote leadership and therefore further the influence of Pakistani Medical Professionals & students in People’s Republic of China. The main aim of this initiative is to build multidisciplinary link for the establishment of China Pakistan Health Corridor. The Health Corridor concept is a Multidisciplinary interconnected group of centers consisting of Medical Institutes, hospitals, Nursing and Paramedical institutes, Research & Training centers, IT, R & D and pharmaceutical industries in countries along Belt & Road linked together by Mobile Hospitals/Labs/Pharmacy, 5G, Artificial intelligence, Virtual & Augmented reality and Big data. And establishment of Telemedicine, Virtual classrooms, Data & experience Sharing, doctors training, Co-accreditation, Belt & Road Health Fund, Belt & Road Medical Force BRMF, Silk Road Higher Medical Education forum SRHMEF and connectivity via Medical Tourism BRMT for better care and well-being of human beings.
Dear Esteemed Members and Colleagues,
As Senior Vice President of the China Pakistan Medical Association, I am honored to address you. Our alliance plays a pivotal role in fostering collaboration between the medical communities of China and Pakistan. I am committed to enhancing this partnership by implementing initiatives that promote knowledge exchange, research collaboration, and the sharing of best practices. Together, we can elevate healthcare standards and contribute to the well-being of our nations. Your active participation and valuable insights will be instrumental in realizing our shared vision for a healthier future.
I visited Sir Run Run Shah Hospital Alar Xinjiang Affiliated by Zhejiang Medical University in December 2023 under Belt & Road Programme of China and witnessed Development and Multidisciplinary approach for Robotic Hepatobiliary Surgery. CPMA initiated the concept of China Pakistan Health Corridor which I am very hopeful will prove to be a platform to enhance China Pakistan cooperation in healthcare sector and boost the ever lasting friendship between China & Pakistan.
Its gives me great pleasure to present China Pakistan Medical Association as Chairperson (China Chair). China Pakistan Medical Association CPMA is great initiative to bring China & Pakistan Medical students and allied professionals at one page and provide opportunities for exchanges and cooperation in Medical Education, Research, Training Centers quipped with Telemedicine & Artificial intelligence. CPMA is integral part of China Pakistan Health Corridor. Following the President Xi Jinping vision to ‘Assemble the best minds across the land and draw fully on their expertise” and “Enhancing the exchanges and cooperation of international talents” “China Pakistan Medical Association will pave path for further cooperation and strengthen the existing collaboration among medical institutes via win-win cooperation to create community of shared future. It gives me immense pleasure that I have been awarded the Fellowship from College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan by President CPSP His Excellency Prof. Zafarullah Chaudhry. One of the first Doctor from China to receive the prestigious FCPS as an acknowledgement of work to strengthen the cooperation between China & Pakistan in Healthcare sector. As Chairman of CPMA, I will continue to work for the multidisciplinary link for establishment of China Pakistan Health Corridor under the flag of CPMA.
Life of a Doctor in today’s environment is full of challenges and opportunities we have never faced in the past. Let us all welcome the establishment of China Pakistan Medical Association with collective commitment towards the future which reflects our current values of both China and Pakistan. I feel honored and humbled at the same time representing The Pakistani community of Doctors and Medical Students with the drive to continue to create Value .With medicine at across roads and in need of a strong representation, the China Pakistan Medical Association should provide exceptional value in exchange of knowledge and opportunities for involvement in career progression , both in China and Pakistan. I would want each of you for your support and insightful feedback so as to be poised to meet the forces reshaping our profession and health care delivery and would be extremely grateful for each bit of your contribution towards achieving this goal, Long Live China Pakistan Friendship.
I am pleased to congratulate the team of China Pakistan Medical Association (CPMA) on the inauguration of CPMA and launching of Journal of China Pakistan Medical Association. In this regard, I acknowledge and appreciate the key role of Dr. Shahbaz in this timely and significant initiative. As this year marks the 70th anniversary of China & Pakistan diplomatic relations, I hope that this initiative of China Pakistan Medical Association will be a valuable contribution towards Pakistan-China collaboration in the key area of health. I am sure that CPMA and its journal will provide a useful platform for medical students, doctors, researchers and allied medical professionals from both China and Pakistan; and will enable them to interact regularly for sharing knowledge and experience, joint collaboration for research and publication of their scholarly work. I wish CPMA a resounding success.
I am deeply honored to serve as the Secretary-General of the China Pakistan Medical Association. The CPMA is committed to facilitating exchange and cooperation in the field of medicine between China and Pakistan, playing a vital role in the Belt and Road Initiative. I hold the positions of President of the Twins Valley Clinical Trial Technology Institute, Chairman of the DIA China Clinical Research Coordinators Home, Chairman of the Jianghuai and Anhui GCP Specialized Union, Executive Chairman of the Clinical Research Management Committee of the China Food and Drug Enterprises Quality Promotion Association, and Chairman of the Young Committee for Innovative Technologies in Drug Clinical Trials of the GCP Union. Within the domain of clinical trial research, particularly in the digital ecosystem of clinical trials, I have made substantial contributions. As a representative of Chinese clinical trial research scientists, I am dedicated to promoting and innovating clinical trials between China and Pakistan, while also empowering more countries along the Belt and Road. I will tirelessly strive for the development of the association and contribute to the partnership between China and Pakistan.
Its gives me great pleasure to present China Pakistan Medical Association as Chairperson (China Chair). China Pakistan Medical Association CPMA is great initiative to bring China & Pakistan Medical students and allied professionals at one page and provide opportunities for exchanges and cooperation in Medical Education, Research Training Centers quipped with Telemedicine & Artificial intelligence. CPMA is integral part of China Pakistan Health Corridor. Following the President Xi Jinping vision to Assemble the best minds across the land and draw fully on their expertise "and “Enhancing the exchanges and cooperation of international talents”. “China Pakistan Medical Association will pave path for further cooperation and strengthen the existind collaboration among medical institutes via win win cooperation to create community of shared future. It gives me immense pleasure that I will join hands with CPMA team to work to strengthenthe cooperation between China & Pakistan in Healthcare sector. As Chairman of CPMA, I will continue to work for the multidisciplinary link for establishment of China Pakistan Health Corridor under the flag of CPMA.
After a whole year of preparation, the (Journal of China Pakistan Medical Association) was founded at the right time. As executive director of CPMA it’s my great pleasure to take this opportunity to thank all the team of JCPMA to make it happen. With the help of all sectors of the society we are hopeful for the excellent future of JCPMA. We have always believed that scientific research requires perseverance and with perseverance we can overcome the barriers. We can achieve the excellence in scientific research and medical education via multidisciplinary link. JCPMA is the platform to connect the scientific community by providing a multidisciplinary link with firm direction of scientific research. We want to create an academic journal and build an academic exchange platform. We are hopeful that the journal will play a key role in modern medical research, and strive to become a bridge for scientists, researchers, scholars and institutions to communicate and exchange.
Its gives me great pleasure to present China Pakistan Medical Association as General Secretary. China Pakistan Medical Association CPMA is great initiative to bring China & Pakistan Medical students and allied professionals at one page and provide opportunities for exchanges and cooperation in Medical Education, Research Training Centers quipped with Telemedicine & Artificial intelligence. CPMA is integral part of China Pakistan Health Corridor. We plan to join hands and provide a platform in the shape of China Pakistan Medical Association to explore new horizons of healthcare sector in Pakistan and China by building new state of the art hospitals, research centers and Medical institutes. Following the President Xi Jinping vision to Assemble the best minds across the land and draw fully on their expertise "and “Enhancing the exchanges and cooperation of international talents”. “China Pakistan Medical Association will pave path for further cooperation and strengthen the existind collaboration among medical institutes via win win cooperation to create community of shared future. It gives me immense pleasure that I will join hands with CPMA team to work to strengthenthe cooperation between China & Pakistan in Healthcare sector. As Board of director of CPMA, I will continue to work for the multidisciplinary link for establishment of China Pakistan Health Corridor under the flag of CPMA.
Greetings, It is an honor to be part of a unique association, which offers a lot for professionals and others alike. I believe the President has taken a small step towards a big achievement, which the future will unfold. The efforts behind the establishment of a multidisciplinary link will not go in vain. I am certain, people will benefit from this platform. I encourage individuals to come forward and join us. The health Corridor is a vast field, it offers for people from any background. Together, we can make it work.
China Pakistan Medical Association as integral part of the China Pakistan Health Corridor will prove to be the landmark milestone for China and Pakistan medical institutes, hospitals & medical industry to further enhance the cooperation in advanced medical research, education, training and establish multidisciplinary link. Its my great honor to be part of China Pakistan Medical Association. I am very hopeful that CPMA will prove to be a platform to enhance China Pakistan cooperation in healthcare sector and boost the ever lasting friendship between China & Pakistan.